From humble beginnings in 1979, UMFC has grown into a vibrant and diverse organisation, with a primary goal of strengthening, nurturing and caring for children and families throughout North East Victoria and the Upper Murray.
Under the legal entity of Upper Murray Family Care Limited (branded as UMFC) we are an independent, non-government, community managed organisation, offering a range of quality services that are responsive to the varying needs of communities extending from the cities of Albury/Wodonga, Wangaratta and Benalla, to townships throughout the Towong, Mansfield, Alpine and Indigo shires.
By providing information, support and advocacy, we seek to empower individuals, families and community groups, and to contribute to a balanced, just and ethical society. If you are interested in supporting the work of UMFC, please contact us. We would love to hear from you.

UMFC at its core
Our vision
Every child and young person in our communities are cared for.
Our purpose
Together we support our families and communities so that we hear the voices of our children, young people and families to support them to heal, rebuild and lead meaningful lives.
Our values
We recognise that the child and young person’s voice is paramount. We walk alongside children, young people and families to achieve positive outcomes and sustainable change with:
- unwavering integrity
- passionate optimism
- considered empathy
- bravely collaborative
- determined advocacy
Our guiding principles for achieving impact
We are accountable to our communities, our Board and our funding bodies to ensure that:
- we provide care and support that is valued and effective
- we have an enduring and positive reputation
- we run an effective and viable for-purpose business
- we operate soundly and efficiently
- we are a reliable and trusted partner of government.

Our Strategic Priorities
Our people are our most valued asset and we care about them
We are not deviating from who we are – we are building on our values and our foundation. Together, we create an organisational culture where we care for and empower our people to achieve their potential and collectively make a positive difference.
We invest in organisational transformation and program innovation
We collaborate and innovate together to achieve efficiency and excellence in client, stakeholder and employee experience through system and program ideation, transformation, creation and development.
We advocate for the benefit of our communities
We are part of a movement for change that is greater than ourselves. Our regional communities deserve equity and access – we lead and advocate for the benefit of our children, young people and families.
Our scale and impact
We value being authentically place-based and in touch with our communities. We will deepen our scale and reach throughout our footprint in northern Victoria and southern NSW.
Together we disrupt trans-generational disadvantage and trauma through holistic and integrated care
We provide effective and evidence-based integrated and holistic child and young person centred, family focused programs and services across the prevention continuum from promotion and early health to response, healing and recovery.
Our focus is always on the best interests of the children we support.
We hear their voices and we maintain their safety and wellbeing as paramount.