Walking alongside children and families to create a safe, secure and healthy future
The Family Services program at UMFC plays a vital role in empowering families to build stability within their home and local communities.
We maintain that families know what they need to provide safe, nurturing environments for their children. This is why our Family Services practitioners work in partnership with your family members to improve outcomes for you, your family and your children.
Our Aim
To support parents and carers to confidently meet the needs of their children and build stronger families through creating and enhancing their skills and resources. This supports families to reach not only their short-term goals, but allows them to sustain long term change without becoming reliant on services.
Who can access UMFC Family Services?
At UMFC, we maintain that the term ‘family’ has many different meanings and incorporates varied and alternative living arrangements. We do not define family; we support your family as defined by you. The Family Services team are able to support anyone who is pregnant or has children aged between 0-18 years; either in their care or returning to their care and reside in the local Ovens and Murray government areas of Wodonga, Indigo, Towong, Wangaratta or Alpine.
One child, one family at a time, we are positively reshaping lives to create stronger regional, rural, and remote communities.

Our Family Services practitioners can assist your family in a variety of ways, including:
- working with you and your children under a whole-of-family approach
- weekly support offered in the home and office, where needed
- delivering parenting programs tailored to your child’s age and each family’s individual needs
- supporting the development of boundaries, responses and parenting strategies
- strengthening family relationships, including those with your child
- assisting you to reflect and meet new challenges as they arise
- helping you assess the various services involved with your family to ensure everyone is working together
- assisting your family to identify and link with specialist services where needed
- supporting your family to link with your community and enjoy positive experiences
External Services
Please note: that the services and support we provide are tailored to meet the specific needs and circumstances of your family.
The Orange Door will assess whether a referral to UMFC Family Services is the best fit for your family.
Contact us
Contact us for more information about the Family Services support that UMFC provides