Upper Murray Family Care
Privacy and Feedback

Privacy and Confidentiality

When you receive a service from Upper Murray Family Care (UMFC), we create a file for you that contains your personal information. We only collect information that is relevant in providing you with the most appropriate service. We do so in accordance with the law and government funding requirements.

You have the right to not provide us with your personal information (however, if this is the case, we may be restricted in our ability to offer you a service). Please also note that your information may still be used for UMFC research, planning and quality control purposes. Personal details such as your name and date of birth will not be included in this information to ensure your privacy and confidentiality.


Acting appropriately with your personal and private information

Is my information secure?
Your file is stored securely at all times. Any electronic data is secured by restricted access. We have strict guidelines about who can see and use your information. All our personnel treat your information with the utmost confidentiality.

Can I access and update my information?
You may ask to access the information held in your file. You may ask to view the file, to obtain a summary of all  or parts of it, or to obtain your information. Sometimes, you may not be able to see all of your file, but the reasons why will always be explained to you. You may ask to update any information in your file that is not accurate or current.

Consent to share information
It is often important for your UMFC practitioner to share information with other services so that you and your children receive the best possible support. In such instances, we will share your information through mutual agreement and discussion with you. At times, it may be required by law for us to share your information without your consent. This may include:
• suspected child abuse or child at risk
• providing information to a court through subpoenas
• if we believe you are at risk of harming yourself or others.

In some cases, a person may not be able to provide information directly or give consent for release of information because they do not have the recognised capacity to do so. If this is the case, an authorised representative may provide us with consent or information.

What if I have more questions?
We encourage you to talk to your practitioner in the first instance. If you have further questions or are unhappy with the way your personal information is being managed, please contact our Privacy Contact Officer – Quality and Risk Manager on 02 6055 8000. You may make a formal complaint if you remain dissatisfied.

Feedback and Complaints

Upper Murray Family Care (UMFC) welcomes all feedback. Feedback tells us what’s working and what’s not, and helps us to make sure we’re providing high-quality and suitable services.

UMFC values the outstanding contribution of it’s employees and programs to the community. To shine a well deserved spotlight on those making a difference, please complete the following Compliments form via the button below.

If you’re not satisfied with any aspect of our service, we encourage you to raise any concerns directly with your

practitioner in the first instance. At all times, we will try to work with you to achieve a satisfactory outcome.


Steps to making a complaint:

Step 1: Write or speak with your UMFC practitioner or therapist or their team leader. You may use an advocate,

interpreter, or support person to assist you if required. Please ask us if you need help to organise this assistance.

Step 2: The practitioner or therapist or their team leader will let you know what they will do to investigate your

concern and how long this will take. In most cases, they will investigate and respond to you verbally and in

writing within 21 days.

Step 3: If you’re not happy with the outcome of your complaint, you may ask for a review from a more senior

UMFC staff member such as a Service Manager, an Executive Director or the Chief Executive Officer.

See additional resources below

Speak up and make a complaint when needed

Complaints are a valuable form of feedback, a vital part of child safety, and an opportunity for UMFC to learn how to improve our services and make things better for everyone

If you wish to take the matter further, you may contact:

Child Safety Commissioner   p/ 1300 782 978  •  w/ ccyp.vic.gov.au

Department of Education   p/ 1300 333 231  •  w/  education.vic.gov.au

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (Vic)    p/ 1300 884 706  •  w/ dffh.vic.gov.au

Department of Social Services   p/ 1300 653 227  •  e/ complaints@dss.gov.au  •  w/ dss.gov.au

Victorian Ombudsman   p/ 1800 806 314  •  w/ ombudsman.vic.gov.au

NSW Ombudsman   p/ 1800 451 524  •  w/ ombo.nsw.gov.au

Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner   p/ 1300 796 344  •  w/ lsbc.vic.gov.au

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission   p/ 1800 035 544  •  w/ ndiscommission.gov.au

UMFC Board Chair    PO Box 725, Wodonga VIC 3689

Victims of Crime Commissioner Victoria   p/ 1800 010 017  •  w/ victimsofcrimecommissioner.vic.gov.au

Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner   p/ 1300 006 842  •  w/ ovic.vic.gov.au

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner    p/ 1300 363 992  •  w/ oaic.gov.au


Our focus is always on the best interests of the children we support.

We hear their voices and we maintain their safety and wellbeing as paramount.