Our Carer Assessment and Support Team undertake care arrangement matching for children and young people with suitable carers.
The Carer Assessment and Support Team are responsible for recruiting, assessing and training new foster carers. They ensure carers are equipped, supported and provided with skills and knowledge to be able to provide a safe and stable environment for children and young people in their care.
Interested in becoming a carer?
UMFC is looking for people from all walks of life to become foster parents.

Carer Assessment and Support Team FAQ
There are many myths surrounding the eligibility associated with becoming a foster carer. In reality, there aren’t too many barriers to becoming involved. Some of the bigger misconceptions are that you have to be married or have a partner, that you must own your own home, not work or even be a full-time carer. None of these are correct and we welcome applicants from all walks of life regardless of gender, age, sexual preferences or religious beliefs.
Foster care does not have to be a full-time commitment, it also includes emergency, short term, and respite care. You are supported with regular contact with a case worker and have access to 24-hour help. There are training and development opportunities and you receive a non-taxable financial allowance. As a carer you can choose the age range of the children you care for, and you can choose the type of care you wish to provide. You don’t have to do it on your own – support and training is available 24/7.
To ensure children and young people are provided safe and stable care the process for becoming a carer can be intensive, however you can undertake this assessment and training at your own pace. Our staff are there throughout the whole process to support you and answer any questions you may have.
Contact us
Contact us for more information about Foster Care and the support that UMFC provide