Foster Carers come from all walks of life
Local people caring for local children
Carers are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We have been providing Foster Care to the North East of Victoria for over 35 years. We are a vibrant, committed service that supports Foster Carers.
On this page:
Foster Care in our Community
All children deserve a caring, nurturing and loving home, but some children cannot live with their families for all sorts of reasons. Some stay in care for only a few nights and others a few weeks, just until their family can get back on their feet. However, a small number will live with loving carers for months or years.
Are you ready?
Foster Care can make an enormous difference in a child’s life. Giving them the care and support that they need to grow, thrive and have a successful future. We are looking for people to volunteer to become foster parents.
Interested in becoming a carer?
UMFC is looking for people from all walks of life to become foster parents.

Change a child’s life, become a Foster Carer
You will never be alone in caring for a child or young person. Foster Carers are provided with regular support and ongoing training in association with The Australian Childhood Foundation. Lots of different types of people can become Foster Carers.
Support for Foster Carers
You will never be alone in caring for a child or young person. Foster Carers are provided with regular support and ongoing training in association with The Australian Childhood Foundation. Lots of different types of people can become a Foster Carer. We accept all sorts of individuals:
- Renting or buying their home,
- Single, married, de facto, same sex relationship
- Male or Female
- Living on a farm, in a unit or a house, with or without pets
- A person willing to make a difference in the life of a child
- Working part-time, full-time or in the home
Becoming a foster carer has never been simpler
Foster Carers can choose from various age ranges (0-18 years) and the type of care they provide. Your first step is to contact our recruitment team who will support you through the process.
Types of Foster Care
Short-Term Care
Short-term foster care typically ranges from a few days to several months, depending upon the requirements of the child and when they are able to return to their family. Children and young people in need of short-term care are often reunited with their parents, or they may find placement within their extended family (Kinship Care) once the foster care period concludes.
Long-Term Care
Long-term care is provided when circumstances prevent a child or young person from returning home for an extended period of time. The duration for long-term care can be for several years, or on some occasions until the child or young person turn 18 so a higher level of commitment is required from carers.
Respite Care
Respite foster care is provided on a regular basis, for one or two weekends per month or for up to two weeks during school holidays. Respite carers have regular contact with the same child to provide full-time carers, and those cared for, with a regular break to provide stability and support to a child’s placement.
Kinship Care
Kinship care is where a family member or significant person in the child or young person’s life becomes their Carer. Kinship Care is the preferred option if children or young people cannot be restored to their birth parents. Kinship Carers are offered the same support as Foster Carers but are only authorised to provide care for specific children or young people.
Emergency Care
This is foster care provided at short notice, often for just one or two nights in an emergency or crisis situation. You can elect to provide emergency care just on a weekend or on certain days of the week in order to fit in with full-time or part-time work commitments.
Therapeutic Care
Foster carers can be undergo additional specialist training with tailored support in order to provide therapeutic foster care. They work closely with a team of professionals to provide care for children and young people who need therapeutic responses to their specific needs.
Contact us
We welcome all forms of feedback and encourage you to raise any concerns if you are not satisfied with any aspect of our services.