Giving a regular gift that helps others or contributes to the well-being of society overall is an act of philanthropy.
At UMFC, philanthropy may be in the form of regular donation or a leaving a gift in your will, but could also be a gift of time, like volunteering.

Regular Donations
Donating some of your monthly income to UMFC is a great way to make a continued difference in a child’s world. This reliable and ongoing gift helps UMFC budget with greater efficiency and prioritise where donations are directed.
Leaving a donation in your will can help make the future brighter for a child or young person. Use the enquiry form below to find out more or contact 02 6055 8000 to speak with us about bequests.
Volunteer Work
UMFC also provides a range of volunteer opportunities for individuals wanting to make a difference in a child’s life. Head to our Volunteers page to see ways in which you can donate your valued time to families in need.
Contact our giving team today for advice on how you can support UMFC through with a philanthropic donation or bequest.
One child, one family at a time, we are positively reshaping lives to create stronger regional, rural, and remote communities.