For many families parenting after separation cannot be managed alone. We support children to maintain meaningful relationships with both parents and other family members.
Children’s Contact Services provide a child centred model of intervention that assists children of separated parents to establish and maintain a relationship with their parents and other significant family members, and to help achieve a sustainable and workable long term arrangement.
Children’s Contact Services
Ongoing conflict between parents has a negative impact on children. When separated parents are not able to meet without conflict, Children’s Contact Services provide a safe, neutral venue for changeover of children between parents.
Children’s Contact Services provide supervised or monitored contact between a child, their parent or other family member where there is actual or perceived risk to the child. The Children’s Contact Services offer a supportive environment in which children and parents can establish or re-establish their relationship.
The Children’s Contact Service is designed to be a short-term intervention, discussions with families in relation to progressing to them managing arrangements themselves are conducted throughout engagement with the service.
We are independent and not bound to provide a service, even if expressly ordered by a court. (Children’s Contact Services – Guiding Principles Framework for Good Practice, Attorney-General’s Department)
Services provided:
- Supervised Contact
- Monitored Contact
- Changeovers
- Family Counselling
Internal referrals can be made to our Parenting Orders Program for Family Counselling sessions throughout your engagement with the Children’s Contact Service.
Seeking further support following separation?
Join one of our upcoming parenting groups, children’s groups or access family counselling through the Parenting Orders Programs

The Children’s Contact Service exercises objectivity and neutrality when providing a service to families. The service ensures that the voice of both parents is heard in planning and decision making, however, with the child as the ‘primary client’, the child’s best interests are the paramount focus and will always be taken into consideration above those of the parents.
Initially, your family will work with the Children’s Contact Services Case Manager in a child-inclusive way to develop a case plan that is tailored to each family’s specific requirements. In developing the case plan we provide your family with referrals, resources and strategies to help children maintain positive and meaningful relationships with their parents or other family members. The service is not designed to be a long term intervention, our goal is to assist your family to move towards self-managed arrangements where possible and safe to do so.
Our Contact Service facilities and staff are equipped and trained with safety at the forefront of our service provision. If you are concerned about your child’s safety during the visits, discuss this with the Children’s Contact service staff in your intake appointment
Children’s Contact Service workers remain neutral. Their focus is on the child and not on the conflict that the parents or other families have.
Please refer to the fee schedule
Please let our service know if you are on a low income or experiencing financial hardship as fee’s can be waived in some circumstances.
The Children’s Contact Service is open for enquiries during office hours 9:00am-5:00pm Monday – Friday.
Supervised Visits, Monitored Visits and Change overs are scheduled Monday-Saturday, by appointment only.
Please contact our central intake on (02) 6057 5399 if you have further queries or would like to obtain a registration form.
You can also email us below.
Fee Costs
Service area:
Hume, Murray, Riverina regions of Victoria and NSW
681 Young Street, Albury NSW 2640
Opening times:
Monday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Wednesday: 11:00pm-07:00pm
Thursday: 12:00am-5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Privacy and Confidentiality
The Children’s Contact Services is a “reportable” service. This means that any discussion or observation involving parents or children using the CCS at any phase of their involvement may be reported as evidence in Court. This occurs when the court issues a subpoena to the Service, requiring the production of all Children’s Contact Services case notes to the court. The service does not provide service reports for families who have court proceedings.
Contact Us
Contact us for more information about the support that UMFC provides