

Foster Care Information Session

Want to know more about what is involved in becoming a carer?
We hold regular Online Foster Carer Information sessions. We can also talk with you about what is involved in becoming a carer individually via phone or in person.
Call 0411 544 581 or email to connect with us.

Interchange Little Explorers Activity Sessions

Know someone caring for a child with disability between 0-5 years?

UMFC Interchange’s next Little Explorers group begins on the 24th of July. Contact us via 0260578400 or email to register or find out more.


Parenting Orders Programs

The Parenting Orders Program is designed to assist separated families to enhance parental communication and conflict management, refocusing on the child’s best interests.

Building Better Bridges (BBB)
This five-week adult group is an educational course that offers the opportunity for parents to share experiences and receive support from other parents in similar situations. The topics covered in the group are aimed at families who are experiencing high conflict in regard to parenting arrangements. Fee: $140

Jigsaw Children’s Group
The four-week group provides assistance and support to children of separated families. The group provides a space for children to interact with other children from similar circumstances. Themes are explored through play and activities. Fee: $40

Family Counselling
Family Counselling is offered for post-separated families. Family counselling can help families manage conflict and support parents in working together in the best interest of the child/children. Our counsellors support the family as a whole or individually to promote effective communication, stress management, and understanding the experience of separation for the young people in the family. Fee: $30 per session

Contact 02 6057 5399 or email for bookings or information


Family Violence in a Child’s World
School Readiness Professional Development

We invite you to register for access to our Online Learning Portal.

Family Violence in a Childs World Professional Development is School Readiness Funding Approved and fits into the Wellbeing (social & emotional) area with level 5 accreditation (foundational evidence based research).  The course is designed with 8 modules for $250 per participant plus GST.  Additional coaching around program implementation is available by negotiation.

There are two options are available for registration:

  1. Online payment and registration via the button below.
  2. Return the attached bulk registration csv spreadsheet together with your billing details to, you will then be provided with a tax invoice for payment via electronic transfer and each participant will receive individual emails providing them with their username and password for accessing the program.

For further information please email or call during office hours on 02 6055 8000 and ask for a member in the Family Violence Child Safety Team.

Safe & Together™ Model CORE Training

Join the upcoming 4 day Safe & Together™ Model CORE Training

Training for professionals working with those experiencing domestic violence or perpetrators of violence. By focusing on four key skills: assessment, interviewing, documentation and case planning our experiential training provides the foundation for domestic violence-informed practice.
Core Training explores the importance of:
● Identifying the impact of domestic violence on children and family functioning.
● Fact-based assessment of the perpetrators’ behavior patterns.
● Partnering with adult survivors of domestic violence.
● Intervening with perpetrators.
● How domestic violence intersects with other issues like substance abuse and mental health.

Wish to register or have further questions? Please email


Our focus is always on the best interests of the children we support.

We hear their voices and we maintain their safety and wellbeing as paramount.