Providing flexible and individualised support for kindergarten programs
The Preschool Field Officers (PSFO’s) support Early Childhood teachers through building their capacity to assist children needing additional support to be fully included and participate in 3 and 4 year old Kindergarten funded programs. Referrals can be made by your child’s Early Childhood teacher.
On this page:
For Families
Helping your child access and participate in kindergarten
Are you worried about your child’s development?
Sometimes parents/caregivers have worries:
- “I am worried about my child’s development, they seem to be behind their peers”
- “when my child speaks, others have difficulty understanding what they are saying”
- “my child doesn’t want to attend Kinder, when I leave they are upset”
- “my child chooses to play alone and doesn’t talk about their friends at Kinder”
- “my child will hurt others when they are upset or anxious”
- “my child won’t sit still to complete activities”. If you have any worries please speak to your child’s teacher.
Helping your child access and participate in kindergarten
The Preschool Field Officer program supports the access and meaningful participation of all children at Kindergarten.
The PSFO may be able to assist your child’s teacher with:
- providing strategies and resources that are responsive to the individual needs of your child
- identifying and providing referral pathways that will support your child and family
- providing guidance on your child’s school readiness and support their transition to school.
With your consent, PSFO’s will:
- speak with your child’s teacher about their development, learning and participation at Kinder
- observe your child in their kindergarten setting.
Your child’s teacher will have a conversation with you following our visit or consultation to share information or resources as needed.
For Early Childhood Teachers
Flexible individual support
Through our Preschool Field Officer Program (PSFO), UMFC supports Victorian funded kindergarten programs to build the capacity of Early Childhood teachers. Preschool Field Officers are qualified in early childhood development and education. They are experienced in working with children in early childhood settings.
The PSFO program is funded by the Department of Education to provide free support to Early Childhood teachers. PSFO’s provide support to eligible kindergarten programs including Early Start Kindergarten, Kindergarten Inclusion Support or the Inclusion Development Fund.
Delivering a holistic service for Early Childhood Teachers
Our PSFO’s are skilled in a range of areas to support Early Childhood teachers in responding to the diverse needs of children. PSFO’s can:
- support teachers in identifying children with additional needs including:
– challenging behaviour
– social and emotional difficulties
– development delays
– vulnerability or trauma
– English as a second language. - build the capacity of Early Childhood teachers to support children’s inclusion and participation
- identify and provide resources, strategies and referral pathways that will support the needs of children and their families
- provide guidance on a child’s school-readiness and support their transition to school
- supporting difficult conversations with families.
Please note that parent or guardian permission is required before a PSFO can work with the Early Childhood teacher to determine the individual needs of a child.
We walk alongside children, young people, individuals and families to achieve positive outcomes and sustainable change.

Contact us
Contact us for more information about the Famiiy Services support that UMFC provides